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Rapidcalc Blus calculator App

RapidCalc is a sophisticated bolus insulin dose calculator smartphone app for diabetics following a basal-bolus regimen. With intelligent tracking of insulin on board, automatic carbohydrate ratio and blood glucose target selection, RapidCalc dramatically simplifies blood glucose management. Complete with detailed history, charting and statistics features, RapidCalc is designed to be easy to use and easy to live with


Intelligent Insulin On Board Tracking

Can’t remember when or how much you last dosed? – Don’t worry. RapidCalc avoids dose stacking by keeping track of your bolus doses and factoring in Insulin On Board when calculating a suggested dose.

Automatic and Target Ratio Selection

RapidCalc supports up to 6 different target blood glucose levels, correction factors and carbohydrate ratios for different times of day and automatically selects the appropriate values when calculating a suggested dose.

Quick Data Entry and Dose Suggestion

Unique slide-and-tap controls let you enter your blood glucose and carbohydrate values quickly and easily. Simply drag the slider close to your value and then tap on the slider rail to make fine adjustments. As you adjust your values RapidCalc instantly recalculates suggested meal and correction bolus doses.

Basal Dose Recording with Reminders

RapidCalc also makes it easy to record your background insulin doses and supports up to three pre-set doses with optional reminders.

“Pumping Without a Pump”

RapidCalc delivers many of the benefits normally associated with an insulin pump and indeed users describe it as being like “pumping without a pump”. Using RapidCalc along with correct basal insulin dosing it is possible to achieve control similar to that of a well set up pump.

Activity Based Dose Adjustment

Integrated dose adjustment for exercise based on intensity and duration as well as compensation for recent hypos or alcohol.

Logbook, Statistics and Charting

RapidCalc effectively replaces your log book, providing a full 90-day history of blood glucose readings, insulin doses and carbohydrate intake which can be exported via email for archive or analysis. Built-in charts and summary statistics help you assess your blood glucose control, identify trends and even estimate your HbA1c based on your average results.

Always Available

After initial setup under the guidance of your healthcare professional, RapidCalc will always be at hand: quick, reliable and discrete, whenever and wherever you need it. No Wifi or 3G signal required.

RapidCalc – An Overview

Other Features

  • Automatic correction factor and carb ratio selection
  • Unique slide-and-tap input for quick data entry
  • Basal dose recording with with pre-sets and reminders
  • Clear, interactive controls with instant dose feedback
  • Backup/Export history data and settings via email
  • Integrated safety warnings and guidance
  • Choice of mmol/L or mg/dL blood glucose units
  • Enter carbs in grams or portions of 10, 12 or 15g
  • Choice of % or mmol/L HbA1c units
  • Customised carb ratios and correction factors
  • Customised target, warning and ideal glucose levels
  • Password protected settings for paediatric use
  • No Wifi or 3G connection needed


RapidCalc is intended for guidance only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always discuss use of the calculator with your health care professional and only use personal settings agreed with them. If you are in any doubt as to the correct insulin dose always follow the advice of your healthcare professional.

Available to download on iTunes App Store

*Currently only available for Apple iPhone/iPad
RapidCalc is proudly supported by GlucoMen in the UK and Ireland.


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